It takes a village to raise a child...
Nestled between the waters of Lake George and Lake Champlain, Ticonderoga has long held a unique place in this world. On the banks of the LaChute River lie our history - and our hearts. Downtown Ticonderoga is a treasure waiting to be rediscovered by residents, families, friends, visitors, and entrepreneurs.
It's an incredible corner of the Adirondacks, filled with so many unique assets: historic buildings and distinctive architecture, pedestrian-friendly amenities, locally owned shops, eateries, lodging, and service businesses, affordable housing, public riverfront parks, waterfalls, river trails, and recreational opportunities, museums, art galleries, and festivals, a community college, the town government and community events center, medical facilities, and the historic route to nearby Fort Ticonderoga.
--Adapted with permission from the Ticonderoga Montcalm Street Partnership Committee.
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