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Budget Information

Fact sheets on our toughest challenges

Want to learn more about some of the biggest challenges schools throughout New York State are facing? If so, please take a few moments to read through the fact sheets below: (click on the corresponding title or view the related files below to open the PDF)

The Three Tax Levy Numbers

An explanation of the three different tax levy figures that school districts will be talking about. 

New Rules for Budget Votes 

Explains the new supermajority and contingency rules.

Mandates & Mandate Relief

Explains what mandates are and recaps the on-going efforts to provide relief.

Property Tax Cap Brochure

The Property Tax Cap Brochure is a resource to help explain New York’s property tax levy cap.

Gap Elimination Adjustment

The attached Q&A document works to help explain how the state's Gap Elimination Adjustment affects schools.

Three Years of the Tax Cap-Impact on School Districts

The attached document was provided by the NYS Comptroller and reviews the impact of the Tax Cap on school districts.